Friday, April 4, 2008

Fifth Assignment

Government should be for people - that's the project of George Orwell's book 1984. The things Orwell shows in his book represent the atmosphere of the time, he lived in - 1940's - 50's. The time, when a lot of tyrannic governments all over the world have formed.

I think the main conflict in the book is Winston going against society, but also he's changing by himself(Winston - self). Both conflicts show Winston's protest against the regime that exists in his "country".

Friday, March 28, 2008

Fourth assignment

"Freedom is slavery" - one of the slogans of Big Brother's party is a metaphor because slavery cannot be freedom. It is a supporting detail to "feel" the setting of the book.

Big brother is a symbol of controlling government. To me it reminds Hitler's propaganda at that times. In the text he represents the governing power over the people and also tyranny. It also supports the setting.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Second Assignment - Character

1) I think that the main character of the novel is Winston Smith because from the beginning everything is happening around him. I'm not that far in the book so far, so I can't tell what kind of personality he has, but as the reader I can see, that he's pretty brave. Even though he knows that he shouldn't write the journal, but he still does. And he rebels against the "rules" he lives in. Winston ,actually, represents the atmosphere of middle 1950's, when all kinds of different movements took place (women suffrage movement, African Americans rights movements and etc.). All that he wants is freedom!
2)I think I can compare myself to Winston. We alike at the point that I'm pretty liberal too - I'm always try to be in the course of the latest news and have my own opinion on everything, especially politics.
3) In my opinion, the book has some kind of gray atmosphere from the beginning. Really while reading you actually feel like something bad should happen. I see the background of Winston's life as prison. He is one of the prisoners, who tries to rebel against the conditions he lives in. I see that he is being controlled and he doesn't want to be to.

Thursday, February 28, 2008

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

First assignment

I picked up the book 1894 by George Orwell because my friends recommended it to me as a good book to read.